mercoledì 11 novembre 2015

A Space Odissey.

"[It was a rectangular slab, three times his height but narrow enough to span with his arms, and it was made of some completely transparent material; indeed, it was not easy to see except when the rising sun glinted on its edges.] 
[It was a vague and diffuse sense of envy – of dissatisfaction with his life. He had no idea of its cause, still less of its cure; but discontent had come into his soul, and he had taken one small step toward humanity.]"  

Tratto da: Stanley Kubric, A space odissey 2001, 1968

La prima parte del film si svolge nell'Africa di quattro milioni di anni fa: un gruppo di ominidi guidati da un capo, sopravvive a fatica in un ambiente arido e ostile. Un giorno, davanti alla loro grotta appare misteriosamente un grande monolito nero e gli ominidi, venendovi a contatto, vengono pervasi da un'imprevista ondata di conoscenza imparando a usare gli strumenti per cacciare gli animali e a difendere il territorio uccidendo i nemici. 

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